Part of a successful Surname DNA Project involves grouping Y-DNA matches. For this project, these groupings are designated as Family Groups. If you don't see your particular Pritchard, Pritchett or Prickett Family listed, it is because it hasn't been tested.

For those that do not belong to a Family Group, they are listed under their Haplogroup as singletons. There is a more detailed explanation of Family Groups and how our Patriarch pages are listed.

There are a two ways to view the direct paternal lines of our established Family Groups.

It is suggested that you start with "see all Family Groups" first. That way you can use your browser find feature to search for a family of interest. It is suggested that you use the maiden name of their wife or a county name.

Once you have identified a Family Group of interest, you can then switch to the "individual Family Group" list to select a particular Family Group for more information.